Exeter River Local Advisory Committee Exeter Squamscott River Local Advisory Committee
Main Page
Water Quality
History & Recreation
Management Plan
In 1995, a group of watershed residents were successful in enrolling the Exeter River in the State of New Hampshire’s Rivers Management and Protection Program.This program is administered by the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services and its purpose is to “ensure the continued viability of New Hampshire rivers as valued economic and social assets for the benefit of present and future generations.”

The Exeter River Local Advisory Committee, known as ERLAC, was established in 1996 to oversee the development and implementation of a river management plan. Committee members are residents from watershed communities working to protect and maintain the river’s natural character.

ERLAC completed the Exeter River Corridor and Watershed Management Plan in 1999 and since that time has designed many public education and outreach programs to increase awareness of the natural resources in the watershed. Each May, in time for the annual migration of Alewives from the Atlantic Ocean to their spawning grounds in the Exeter River, ERLAC holds the Exeter River Alewife Festival, a day-long celebration of the river and its watershed.

ERLAC meets monthly and committee members are needed from each of the ten watershed communities. For more information, please contact:

c/o Rockingham Planning Commission
156 Water Street
Exeter, NH 03833

You can also fill out the email form below to contact us:

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jumping fish
© Copyright Exeter River Local Advisory Committee, All Rights Reserved

Artwork by Cathy Arakelian and JoAnne Trahan
Website by Cricket Press

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